Friday, February 8, 2008

First Words

So, we've been trying to teach Rose sign language recently. She seems to be a bit frustrated by her inability to communicate and we figured a few signs might help. One of the most important signs, of course, is 'thank you' and tonight I was encouraging Rose to sign it when she one-up'd me and said 'thank you' clear as a bell. I thought I was imagining things, but nope, Jay got her to say it too and we even managed to get a brief video . . . of course we didn't know she was going to show off, so we grabbed the camera after she'd tired of her new trick. You will thus enjoy quite a bit of Jay and I coaxing and only one or two demonstrations of Rose's new trick . . . and not her best demonstrations either . . . if she seems a bit "yeah, yeah . . . "thank you" . . . great . . . let's move on" it is only because she's way too cool for Jay and I and obviously way ahead of us.

1 comment:

tad said...

I certainly heard it. She is definitely a genius